The Five Pillars are the foundation of a Muslim's practice and faith. They are:
1. Shahada (Faith): The declaration of faith, stating that "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." This is the most fundamental concept in Islam, affirming the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad.
2. Salah (Prayer): Muslims are required to pray five times a day facing Mecca. These prayers are performed at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night. Prayer serves as a direct link between the worshiper and Allah.
3. Zakat (Charity): Muslims are obligated to give a portion of their wealth to those in need, typically 2.5% of their savings each year. Zakat purifies wealth and promotes social equity.
4. Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan): During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset. Fasting is a means of self-purification and spiritual discipline, reminding Muslims of the suffering of the less fortunate.
5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca): Every Muslim who is physically and financially able is required to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Hajj occurs during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah and includes a series of rituals that symbolize the unity of Muslims and their submission to Allah.
Six Articles of Faith
The Six Articles of Faith are the essential beliefs that every Muslim must hold:
1. Belief in Allah: The belief in one, all-powerful, and merciful God. Allah is the creator and sustainer of the universe.
2. Belief in Angels: Muslims believe in angels who are the servants and messengers of Allah. They carry out Allah's commands and have no free will.
3. Belief in the Prophets: Muslims believe that Allah has sent prophets to guide humanity. Muhammad is considered the final prophet, but others include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
4. Belief in the Holy Books: Muslims believe in the divine scriptures revealed to the prophets, including the Quran (revealed to Muhammad), the Torah (revealed to Moses), the Psalms (revealed to David), and the Gospel (revealed to Jesus). The Quran is considered the final and complete revelation.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment: Muslims believe that there will be a final day of judgment when all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds. The righteous will be rewarded with paradise, and the wicked will be punished in hell.
6. Belief in Divine Predestination: This is the belief that Allah has knowledge of all that will happen and that everything occurs according to His will. However, humans have free will and are responsible for their actions.